What percentage of ransomware attacks are targeted vs. opportunistic?
Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common, with a vast array of companies and services falling victim to these data-encrypting malware attacks. While some ransomware attacks are highly targeted and thoroughly planned out by cybercriminals, others are more opportunistic in nature. What portion of ransomware attacks are targeted vs. opportunistic?
According to a recent report from Symantec, around 1 in 5 ransomware attacks are targeted, while the remaining 4 out of 5 are opportunistic. This indicates that while a small minority of ransomware attacks are performed versus specific organizations or people, the vast bulk are random attacks that make the most of vulnerabilities in systems and networks.
Targeted ransomware attacks are generally much more damaging than opportunistic attacks, as they are typically performed by more experienced and sophisticated cybercriminals. Furthermore, targeted attacks are typically more challenging to prevent, as they are frequently personalized to make use of particular weaknesses in a target company's systems.
https://bikramyogauk.net/?p=325 While opportunistic ransomware attacks can be damaging, they are usually less disruptive and expensive than targeted attacks. you can look here Furthermore, opportunistic attacks are typically more quickly spotted and prevented, as they often count on recognized vulnerabilities that can be covered.
Organizations and individuals can assist protect themselves from both targeted and opportunistic ransomware attacks by keeping up to date on security spots, using strong security software, and backing up information regularly.